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Sales-Gauge Online

SG6-eLearning: Authoritative Closing (PSG6-SGAT)

Salespeople need to understand the difference between effectively closing as opposed to simply closing.

"Authoritative Closing" focuses on the meaning of the acronym WAR and what each member of your sales team needs to do to close the deal. Sales Gauge will teach you the techniques that will put you in a position to effectively close the deal and leave you in the best position possible.

NOTE:YOU MUST HAVE COMPLETED Sales Gauge 5 Negotiation and High Value Trades to take SG6

· Authoritative Closing
· What does bad Prospecting look like
· Crafting Powerful 1 to 1 Executive Emails
· SEKM Technique
· Google Research Tips and Tricks
· The Power of The Press Release
· Templates for email examples

Information on larger Sales Team packages and Enterprise customized packages

  • SG6 - Authoritative Closing SGAT-617-2
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed